Friday, March 14, 2008

3/13/2008 Fifth session of clicker training

We had a MAJOR breakthrough today! Leo finally understood targeting. It was definitely the light bulb moment! Previously he knew what I wanted and just completed the task and went "oh look I get a cookie." I try to always feed his treat about 1/2 from where his nose is normally and his chest. Well after a couple targeting clicks I started noticing that his nose was in the 'treat place' way before I could get the treat there. Now I actually hold a treat in my left hand before I ask for him to target, so I don't have to fumble around to get the food out of my pocket. He was STILL getting his nose back there before my hand did.

Leo touched the OJ container, heard the click, swung his head in and was going "hello?? where's my treat?? I know I get one! Right here! I get one right here!" Smart little pony (or er.... humongous pony) I have the target on a stick. This was the first session that I could move the target as high up as i could get it and Leo would reach way up to touch it, and still get his head tucked in asap for his treat. I could walk all the way across the paddock and he would walk all the way across to touch that target and get his treat.

Unfortunately the light bulb moment didn't cross over to backing up. Leo would still back up when asked, just didn't anticipate and tuck his head in for his treat. We're still only working on picking up his front feet so I can be close by with a treat. He did less backing up today when asked to pick those hooves up, but still backed up at times. I wonder if it's because I do the backing up exercises right before the 'pick up your hoof' one. I'll try to switch it around next time to see if it works better.

I added in a couple new things. I started asking him to lower his head, by placing my hand at the top of his neck behind his ears. We only did that 4-5 times. I don't think we're ready for that one yet. I have a feeling he wasn't putting his head down because I was asking him to, but rather he was going for grass! Whatever works! He still got clicked and treated. :)

Next I tried to get him to target my hand. Leo picked it up within 2 tries. After those first 2 targets, I started walking a couple feet away and asking him to come to me and touch my hand. He did it without hesitation. By this point I was starting to run out of treats and we had been working for longer than usual. I ended the session by going back to targeting the OJ container. Then we had a nice yummy apple and plenty of scratches. I'm so excited! I just may try and go out to the barn Saturday night to fit in another training session. I can't believe he remembered so much after not doing any clicker training for a good 2 1/2 weeks.

3/11/2008 Fourth session of clicker training

I've had some personal stuff going on in my life so I haven't been doing the clicker training. We started back up today and Leo didn't forget a thing. We always start with targeting on my OJ container. Then we move on to backing up. Today we added a new thing into the mix. Picking his 2 front feet up. My goal is to have him hold his own feet up for me and I'm sure his farrier wouldn't mind it either! LOL I just stood by his shoulder and ran my hand 1/2 down his cannon bone. Eventually he shifted the weight off that hoof, so I clicked and treated. It only took 2 times before he was actually picking his foot all the way up. We only worked on his 2 front feet. I wanted to be close to his head so I could still treat quickly. The problem I ran into was that he would start backing up, which technically DID lift his feet. Just not quite what I was picturing! Maybe it was because we worked on backing right before we switched to the feet? Time will tell I guess.