Thursday, February 26, 2009

I can't play with that flashy box in my face!

GO AWAY flashy box!

Kill it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope Mom doesn't have a migraine...

That fox started talking back to me!

My very first game of tug-o-war ever! I usually stop playing with my toys of Mom or Dad touch them. hehehe


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I love my new food!

I lick my bowl clean at every meal! Slup yum! Mom talked to the vet today and I'm allowed to slowly get back into activity! No more house arrest! We are going to the park to walk tonight! Maybe we will meet Max and Belle there?

Anyways while I was on back meds I milked it for all it was worth! Here's me eating a milkbone in my invalid state.

Too weak to stand......

What's that I smell?

My SUPPER!!!!!!

Can I please have some?

OH it looks yummy!

First you have to take a big piece...

Get a good grip on it!

Then your supposed to eat it over here

All clean!

Afterward Frizzle and I watched some people walk by with their pups.

Well I think she watches the bird not the people....

Frizzle is EVIL! She stole my dog crate!

Then last night after supper we went o my other grandparents house and I met a small fluffy dog. I didn't even growl once at it! I was such a good puppers. :) Then the little fluffy dog tried to eat me! After that the fluffy dog went down some stairs and stayed there.

Dad went to the store and brought me back some ice cream! My first ever ice cream dish! Wow! Talk about yummy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My trip to the vet.....

I used to like going to the vet.... NOT ANYMORE! They made me scream! More than once!

Lately I've been picking at my food. Leaving lots of kibble behind, etc. On Tuesday night I stopped eating all together. So Mom took me to the vet on Thursday instead of going to work. Mom talked to the dr forever.... I was so bored. So the vet said that I might have impacted anal glands because od all the big D that I've been having. I've been licking back there lots. Hey it hurt, what was I supposed to do?

Well when they took me into the back to do bloodwork and my "expression" How embarrassing... The nice lady helping out held me under my belly and that HURT so I screamed, and screamed, and screamed....

So they finally brought me back into the room with Mommy and they showed her how I would scream if they did something ot my back. Seriously! Did you have to do it again? It hurts! How hard is that to understand?

So we were sent home with some perscription dog food, a 3 day wormer in case I had whip worms, some antibiotics for my GI tract, and some happy pills for my back.

Wow! Those are some happy pills! I feel 3 years younger. I'm supposed to be kept quiet but I swear there was another dog out there on the patio last night. I saw them through the sliding glass door... I have no idea why everyone was laughing at me while I was growling. This was serious protecting of the family going on! Oh well I loff those pills!

So I have 10 days of the happy pills then we have to go back to the vet to see how my back feels. If it's not better I might have to get Xrays. I don't know what those are... but I wonder if they will give me more happy pills?

Mommy might have found my secret diet. The vet says that I might be developing allergies to my kibble after I've been on it for a few weeks. That's what's giving me the big D. She wants to put me on perscription food. Mom and Dad say we are way too poor to pay for that!

Well... Starting Friday night I started eating my food raw! Well not all the way raw... I don't like the slimyness so it needs to be cooked real quick on each side. It's raw in the middle. Does that count? Friday night I has venison steaks... Oh that's my favorite! Then Saturday morning I had cut up turkey necks.... I don't really like that as much. I ate about 1/2 a neck though. Then for supper on Saturday I had more venison... super yummy!

Last night I had my first really hard perfect poo in 4 months! Phew it felt much better than liquid coming out!

This morning Mom tried to feed me chicken... but I say ICK. Nope not going to eat it! I don't care if all the experts say you have to start out the raw diet on chicken.... nope nope nope... I want more of that super yummy deer meat. I know where that came from. I saw it hanging it Grandad's garage.

That's all for now!

Here's a picture of me enjoying a car ride, back when I was allowed to go for walks and playdates! :(

Here's a video Mom found of me racing! I'm #2 in the purple.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a crazy busy weekend! Saturday we got up early, ate breakfast and went to go play with Max and Belle! I had so much fun. I got to run around in the snow while it was still here and I even tried to make snow angels. :) Granddad gave me an antler to chew on so I could clean my teeth, but I refuse to chew it! I only was interested in it while the Max and Belle were. Had to make sure I didn't miss out on anything...

Then we came home and all these people came over for something called a Mary Kay party. I was so tired I didn't even get up to greet them. I stayed on my bed until they came over to say hello to me! HAHA I knew they would come over. I'm too cute to ignore.

After everyone left, Daddy took Mommy and me to a new park. It was huge! We almost got lost driving there but we made it there before it got dark. :) There were lots of mud and lots of new smells. Tons of doggies were running around off leash but we ignored them and stayed away. Those pups sure didn't bother us any bit. Mommy and Daddy would not have let them near me.

After I was all sniffered out, I got to sleep in my crate for a bit while everyone else went to the store. Then we had company again! It was someone's birthday (not sure what that is) and Daddy cooked some yummy smelling steaks on the grill.

On Sunday we all got up super early and went to the park to play with my greyhound friends! It didn't take long for us all to get tired. It was so hot out... We met a nice golden retriever friend that we had fun playing with. Then 2 crazy shepards came in. They were pulling their owners all around! How rude. That's when we left.

The rest of the day Mommy and I spend sleeping in the living room while Daddy went to visit friends. It was a nice lazy Sunday afternoon!

Yesterday (Monday) was another work day. I slept in my crate all day like a perfect pup and then Daddy took me to the park for a walk! I like my Daddy time.

I've been practicing my extreme cuteness. How am I doing?

I'm a pretzel!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mom tried to poison me!

She tried to feed me turkey necks last night.

They look so yummy and innocent don't they...

They even smelled really yummy!

I was polite and said "May I please have one?"

Then it made my blanket smell funny!

Can I eat this? Am I supposed to?

It's slimey....


NO It's poison! Quick get rid of it!

It's still there.. ew....

It took over my bed!

Mom cleaned up the mess and gave me a normal non poisoned cookie

But my dog bed still smelled icky! I swear it did! I couldn't lay there it has poison on it!

Nope nope nope

Well I guess I could try since you lysoled my bed than put a fresh clean 'warm from the drier' fleece blanket over here..

All better! But no more poison or it will not be easily forgiven!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More white stuff!

I kept getting it up my nose this morning! At least I can pee while standing in one place. It's hard to pee while your sliding down a hill of ice....

We had people over last night and I got a new rawhide chew. What I really wanted was some pizza.... but I settled for a rawhide.

I had another morning of being a perfect pup! I went into my crate after Mom was done doing her hair. She took forever to leave! She even had to crawl into my crate and pick my sleepy head up to put my muzzle on. I was so relaxed......

My diarrhea if gone! whoohoo! My grandma fed me tons of crappy cookies and it made my belly sad for weeks! Mom told her I was only allowed to get my special cookies and only 3 cookies a visit! No fair.

I hope I can go run and play with my greyhound friends this weekend. Maybe I'll get to go for a walk sometime soon....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Went visiting last night

I got lots of fun stuff in the mail last night! A brand new soft flannel collar and a very pretty backpack. Mom says I will have to wear the backpack to help carry stuff while we go walking. Dad says I can now come grocery shopping with them! Fine by me as long as I get to carry the cookies.

Last night after a yummy supper, I got to go for a car ride! The car is so much fun! It's like running w/o the work. My sniffer has to work overtime. We went to visit my other grandparents. I was fed lots of yumminess. I heart peanut butter!

I smelled a little fluffy dog! I know I did! There were even toys in that house.... I was told the little dog that lived there doesn't like other dogs so she was put away... Seriously, who wouldn't like me?

I also saw a birdy up close! I never knew birdies could be in cages... I just wanted to look at it, I swear! I wasn't planning on trying to eat it or anything. :) Mom said I was a very good house guest. No accidents anywhere!

This morning I was a superstar puppy! I went in my crate really early... Mom took forever to leave! Jeeesh all I wanted to do was start my morning nap. I think we are supposed to get more of that white stuff today. My paws are cold. When will it be warm again?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Goose poop.....

and LOTS of it! We went for a walk yesterday at this new and improved Fox Point Park, and there was poop everywhere! Plus all the ice and snow were melting, but the ground was still frozen, so the goose poop was in standing water that we had to splash though! For an hour walk... Not a fan of that park. I kept kicking water up and it was hitting my nose. It wasn't very fun!

Then because we all had goose poop on us we all had to take baths. No fair, I like being smelly. I got even though...... I dried myself off on the furniture. Aren't I just precious?

I also watched Daddy change the oil in the cars. I was trying to figure out why he was under the car instead of inside it... Then we went inside and I watched him from the porch.

Mom and Dad got some GH bumper stickers for their cars and I got to help put them on!

Mom took lots of cute pictures yesterday with that flashy box thing. Here they are...

I HATE goose poo!

Mom needs face drying lessons!

Scrub that water off!

No! You can't wash my blanket! I like it the way it is now! "lalalalala... I can't ear you"

*Grumble* She took my blanket!

Water in my ear!

I'm being so patient and good....

Um... Hello! You are forgetting something....

You know you want to give me that yummy treat for being a good pup on the bathtub....