Monday, February 2, 2009

Goose poop.....

and LOTS of it! We went for a walk yesterday at this new and improved Fox Point Park, and there was poop everywhere! Plus all the ice and snow were melting, but the ground was still frozen, so the goose poop was in standing water that we had to splash though! For an hour walk... Not a fan of that park. I kept kicking water up and it was hitting my nose. It wasn't very fun!

Then because we all had goose poop on us we all had to take baths. No fair, I like being smelly. I got even though...... I dried myself off on the furniture. Aren't I just precious?

I also watched Daddy change the oil in the cars. I was trying to figure out why he was under the car instead of inside it... Then we went inside and I watched him from the porch.

Mom and Dad got some GH bumper stickers for their cars and I got to help put them on!

Mom took lots of cute pictures yesterday with that flashy box thing. Here they are...

I HATE goose poo!

Mom needs face drying lessons!

Scrub that water off!

No! You can't wash my blanket! I like it the way it is now! "lalalalala... I can't ear you"

*Grumble* She took my blanket!

Water in my ear!

I'm being so patient and good....

Um... Hello! You are forgetting something....

You know you want to give me that yummy treat for being a good pup on the bathtub....

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