Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Sucess!

We really do have the best people as friends! We finally have accepted that Sunshine will have to sleep in a crate for the next few years... So we had to move some heavy furniture around, get rid of some other stuff, etc. With Daddy's torn SLAPs he can't do much heavy lifting all by himself. So we requested help from a friend with muscles who has little to no interest in our furry menagerie. Sunshine even stayed in the bedroom on the bed while the stranger came in and moved furniture around! I pointed out that she was being such a brave girl and got "Oh is that the other one?" LOL It takes a special person to come move heavy stuff after working hard all day just so our unknown little puppy can sleep in her big crate and be comfy. She does love her big crate being there now!

After being so brave Tuesday night, Wednesday we decided to go visit Grandparents on Daddy's side. Sunshine was a superstar! No potty accidents and she didn't shake too much.  This is our first home visit with her so we weren't sure what to expect. Rainy started screeching when we turn onto their street and after getting lovings from everyone she laid on her bed and slept. I turned Sunshine loose while we ate dinner and she paced around watching everyone and eating the noodles/meatballs I was smuggling to her from the table. They have to have some bad manners right? Eventually Sunshine settled enough to take some noodles from Grandpa. She likes the Grandpas better they are quieter after being henpecked for 30+ years. Her first introduction to these people went really well. She even settled enough to lay down for about 5 minutes. And even gave Grandmom a few cute photo ops. We are going to try to get up there every other week.  They are always amazed how Rainy just gets there, flops, and sleeps. Sunshine even got along with the old, grumpy, blind, deaf, little fluffy white dog that they have.

When we went to leave Daddy wanted to see if Sunshine would pee since she kept drinking lots of water.  She peed.... after she rolled in FOX PEE!  Talk about a smelly car ride home.

Those Sham Wow's made good pillows

I like helping Mom with laundry "ah a fresh towel from the drier"

Finally settled at Grandparents after 2 hours of pacing, this is much too stressful

Drying off on the big bed after my 9pm fox pee bath!

Rainy, trying to figure out why the hell Sunshine is racing around like a crazed wet pup! Works better than a hair drier

OK I'm tired of running. Time to lick myself dry

Sorry for the bad pics! Hard to catch that pup on cell phone when she starts darting around!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Everything is falling into place

She hasn't eaten any remotes for 1-2 weeks now. She developed what we thought was Separation Anxiety last week. By the time Friday morning came around she tried to eat her way out of the crate. So then we left her uncrated so she wouldn't hurt herself, fully expecting to be at Home Depot this past weekend to fix damage. It's 3 days later of no crate and nothing is chewed on! Nothing is even moved around! Currently our Apt could be condemned with all the clutter. My project this week after work. There's zillions of fun non doggy allowed stuff for Sunshine to get into. Very tempting for a pup.

We were gone all day yesterday and my Dad said he could come watch the football game at our Apt so he could walk the pups at halftime. I don't trust Sunshine outside of the crate for longer than 6 hours for no accidents. She still gets crated during the night. Dad came over and Rainy did her usual "I never thought I would see you again" frenzy at the door. Sunshine barked at Grandpa, then started weaving back and forth. She wanted so badly to go say hello, but was so nervous. She settled for a quick sniff on his head while he was bent over bear hugging/wrestling Crazy Rainy. Sunshine stayed out in the living room while we were showing Grandpa how to work the tv, etc. Normally she would have already retreated to the bedroom safe place.

So we show him how/where to take them for a walk, tell him that if he sees any strangers within the Apt to turn around and just go the other way with Sunshine until she get to her safe distance then let her watch them. (I really must be such a PIA about my dogs ) Plus not to worry if Rainy refuses to pee since she will try to make him walk all over creation to find just the right spot. We gave milkbones and off we went.

When we got back we got report that Sunshine was the only one who peed on their potty walk. What a good super pupper! No potty accidents at all! Plus Sunshine had TWO crazy zoomie fits. One where she ran into the living room jumped on the couch, nipped at Grandpa, then jumped over the back of the sofa, grabbed a toy and ran back into the bedroom. I'm assuming she didn't make contact with her teeth, I was too shocked to ask about that. Plus when Grandpa left she ran up to him for a pet! My jaw felt it was stuck open last night!

She really is starting to become one of the family! I suppose she figures that family members don't stay in crates? Either that or the big bed is so much comfier! I forgot my cell phone this morning so had to go back in after I left. Sunshine was just laying on the big bed eating her milkbone, getting cookie crumbs all over my side. I'm not 100% happy with her being uncrated. I don't trust her not to bite the Apt people if they have to come in. She does bark at all guests but if she's not told by us that it's ok.... well you just never know! Oh well it's working out now!