Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A nice night

I got to eat supper then go play with Max and Belle. I ate some yummy spring grass with Belle and ran around with Max! I'm starting to like my dog bed in this new spot. I can look at that other dog who sometimes is on the other side of the glass door. Mom says her birthday is tomorrow and I have to be extra special nice to her. We did what those humans call "training last night" They tell me to sit, then spit yummy lunch meat at me. I'm way to slow to catch it, but I sure can slurp it off the floor. Afterward I got another super yummy bone!!! These things are awesome!

I guess I have officially started sleeping through the nights again. I was tired last night!

Here's a picture of me sleeping in my crate waiting for Mom to leave for work this morning. Aren't I adorable?

Here is a picture of those yummy bones my parents buy me!

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Sunday

After we all slept in I got to help pay the rent! Mom and I walked up to drop the rent check off. We haev to walk by a bunch of stores and I love looking into each door at my reflection! I am so pretty... Mom failed to mention the HUGE STAIRS that we would have to climb. It was so scary. We finally got up by Mom moving my first foot, second foot, third foot, and fourth foot. Rinse and repeat. It took a bit and I shook the whole time... I was really scared! But I did the last 2 steps all by myself. I am an expert at going down the stairs. That was a piece of cake. After that ordeal I needed a huge body shake to shake off the scariness.

Then Mom and Dad went into a cleaning frenzy. The vacuum came out, the kitties were yowling at being brushed, and my dog bed got moved. The sofa got moved, the chair got moved, 2 tables got moved, very concerning! I grabbed my bone and wandered around for a bit trying to politely make a point that my dog bed was NOT in the right spot. Um hello people.... Finally I had to settle down on my dog bed in it's new spot. Not right away. I had to pout and lay on the hard abusive floor for a bit to make my people feel guilty.

After the craziness was over we all went to Brusters to get ice cream! Yum! We even met another greyhound there. Who would have thunk it! My new greyhound friend is in the witness protection program so I can't say her name... I'm getting to good at eating ice cream.

Here I am trying to sleep... Too bright out!

Me sleeping on my bed in it's normal spot!

My new bed position.... I guess it's ok. I can feel the nice breeze from the porch.

Here I am this morning waiting for Mom to leave so I can catch up on my beauty sleep in my teeny tiny crate.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My first greyhound walk!

Last night we went on a picnic in the park. I was so confused.... what is a picnic? and why were we just sitting there? Parks are supposed to be walked on, and sniffered with. Afterward instead of going on a walk we went to the dog park. I got to run and run and run with a cute puppy.

This morning I went on my very first greyhound walk! I met 6 new friends. We walked forever! I was so excited that I forgot my manners and pulled most of the time. Ops. There was this cute little black dog named Maggie. She was scared when she first go there, but was feeling brave in no time! We even had a train rush right past us. That was loud!

Maybe I can turn these puppy eyes on and get some ice cream tonight.... Off to do important work.

Dad makes me look silly then takes a picture! See how nice and tolerant I am.

Here I am politely waiting for my supper to be ready. If I close my eyes it sometimes gets done faster!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Starting to like the big bed

I'm scared of being on the human bed! Mom picks me up on puts me on there every once in a while. I normally stand, stress pant, and shake while she watching tv! That bed belongs to the humans and evil kitties. I would much rather stay on my own beds.

Last night Mom wanted to cuddle so she picked me up and plopped me on the bed. I stood shaking for maybe 2 minutes then decided to start walking around.... then I flopped down and stretched out! That bed sure is comfy. I had a nice hour nap while Mom cuddled with me.

Frizzle the evilest of the kitties kept glaring at me from her spot at the bottom of the bed. Murdoc kept running over top of us to get to the very tallest part of the bed. There is a squirrel in the ceiling and he is determined to protect us all.

Then after we were done cuddling I got that super duper yummiest bone in the world again! Then it was toy time, I found toys that I haven't played with for months. Amazing what that basket holds.

I tried to wake Mom and Dad up for a midnight potty break around 2am but all I got was a squirt with the squirt bottle!!!!!!!! I was so insulted that I went and slept in my condo until they had to come and wake me for my morning walk at 6:40am. Mom was glad that I didn't have an accident though. She said if I had an accident that we would have to go back to that dreaded vet place to get meds for a possible UTI. I have no idea what that is, but the threat of that vet place will keep my leggs crossed!

Here's a cute picture of me sleeping on the big bed like a big brave pup!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I ate a huge supper last night and promptly took a nap! A full belly always makes me sleepy...

Then when I was finished my nap Mom took me to for a car ride. We went to go play with Max and Belle!. It so much fun over there. I get to run around like crazy off leash. I chased a tennis ball and a squeaky thing. Even carried the tennis ball around. Never done that before...

Next came the whipped cream, then cookies, then I got a tiny little dingo rawhide thing. It was yummy! It's like Christmas morning all the time over there... Max and Belle are lucky pups. By 8:30 I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

We drove home for a nice quiet night.

I didn't get my yummy bone this morning... I woke Mom up at 5:30 cause I had to pee. She wasn't too happy with me! Then I slept until it was time for Mom to leave. Normally I go into my crate all by myself. Today I had to be woken up to go in! It's a good rainy day to stay in bed sleeping.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm going to be a firedog

I got to go to petsmart last night. We had a job to do, get crickets so Sour Cream the toad could eat supper! I was very good and only whined a little bit. The store wasn't too busy so I had plenty of room to walk around and relax.

I played with Mr Fox, ate supper, went potty, and it was time for bed.

When it got really dark outside some sirens woke me up! Then there were these huge trucks outside just sitting there. I could hear them. Our whole home was lit up by flashing lights.. Something was wrong!

I whined and paced and gave my humans sniffles until Mom got up out of bed, looked out the window, went to the patio, looked out there, etc. I followed her like a good shadow just in case she needed some help. Then she put on her fluffy robe and walked out the front door! Told me to "wait! The nerve! I was the one who told her about it, why should I stay home and miss all the fun?

She came back and woke Dad up. Told all of us that the apt building across the parking lot was on fire! But the firemen had it under control and everything was fine, even though there were strange noises everywhere. Phew! Now I could get back to my beauty sleep.... Zzzzz....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Starting to like the dog park

I tried to get Frizzle to join me in the "Yay, Mommy Is Home" dance last night but she was not enthused! Boy those kitties can puff up really big... I finally just grabbed a rawhide and zoomed around with it!

I got to go to the dog park again last night! Mom took me to the tallyville one just before it got dark so no one else would be there. Well there was other puppies there! A huge German Shepard named Ellis. He's my new boyfriend. I like him! He kept chasing a big squeaky ball and bringing it back to his Dad. I followed and helped. He didn't even mind when I bumped into him while we were running. He was such a nice dog. We ran and ran and ran for about 30 minutes. Phew talk about being tired!

There was a cute 2 year old lab mix puppy. She liked to jump all over me and I was very nice to her. I only let out a little growl when she got too pushy and the puppy listened very well! I think I like her too!

The Dad of the lab mix told us that some shepards that come to the park don't like to share thier toys so we should be careful... I can't imagine they are all not as nice as Ellis!

After being SOOO tired I slept through the entire night and didn't wake anyone up to take me on a midnight walk. :) I also got another one of those super duper yummy special bones this morning! whoohoo!

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm a human trainer!

I am the best human trainer ever! So Dad hurt his back 2 weeks ago... He's been screaming, angry, whiny, and on lots of medicine! Luckily my cute "I want a treat" eyes still work on him.

I haven't been getting the attention I deserve! No long walks during the week, no play dates with Max and Belle. This is puppy abuse! So I got bored in the middle of the night. They can't expect me to sleep all day in my condo, then sleep all night!

Then the light bulb went off... I started barking like I had to emergency potty in the middle of the night. It was like magic, Mom jumped out of bed and took be for a walk. What fun! There are lots of furry little critters out there at night. We even heard some raccoons fighting. They sounded nasty.

I managed to get a walk every night for 6 days straight. Sure they moved my mealtimes, restricted my water, took away all my chewies so I wasn't thirsty at night, etc All very little prices to pay for the wondrous walk.

So Friday night I decided it was time for a walk at 12:30. Woof Woof I go! Mom put a coat and shoes on and took me to the elevator (no one is coordinated enough to go down 5 flights of stairs at that hour)

When we got outside Mom wouldn't let me go on a walk! She kept walking me in a 15 foot circle right outside the door. She seriously can't expect me to potty right there. So I planted my feet and tried to pull to go on our walk, it didn't help. After 7 minutes of me refusing to sniff (seriously my nose couldn't go any farther skyward, pretty stars were out...) She took me back inside!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait, I hadn't peed yet! *grumble grumble*

We went back inside, lights went out, and everyone went back to sleep. I started my pitiful little whine... slowly worked up to a single loud bark.... SPLAT! I got hit with a stream of water! So surprised I crashed into the wall. Those stupid humans really didn't need to laugh at me... Insulted I went to my dog bed and flopped down with a huge disdained groan.

Mom said she better not wake up to an accident! She was mad... Geez all I wanted was a fun walk.

Last night I let everyone sleep until they had to wake me up! ok, well I was awake but was fake sleeping in the living room. Mom was so happy, telling me I was such a good pup at 6:40 this morning! After we came inside from pottying I even got a special super duper yummy bone! I never get them in the morning! Num Num Num. This is the bone I will do anything for. Trust me, for someone that is not food motivated this is a big deal.

So I trained my humans to give me my favorite bone to chew on while they take shower and get ready to go to that work place. I'm so smart...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So Tired

Such a busy weekend! Mom and I woke up early Saturday morning and went for a walk in the park. Then we came back home and Mom showered and got dressed. Dad was still sleeping so we had to be super quiet! The I got to watch the car while Mom did a bunch of shopping... I am such a good car watcher! Whatever did they do before I came around? Then we went to play with Max and Belle. I did my first official zoomies in their backyard. I ran around in circles for 5 minutes! It was a bit slippery but I stayed on my feet! Max was trying to catch me... slow poke!

The we came back home and Dad was still asleep! I wasn't sure he was still alive... Mom went out to some party. Dad took me back to the park for another walk!!!!!! 2 walks in one day! I am one lucky pup! Sniffering around until I couldn't sniff anymore. I slept well Saturday night! Here's a picture of me in the gazebo at the park.

Sunday was a fun day too! Mom and I went for a walk at the Newark Reservoir. No clue what that is but there was lots of water. I got to meet a new puppy friend. Harmony is a cute little pitbull mix. She was crazy looking for those squirrels. Mom and Dad were very proud that I didn't growl at Harmony when I met her. I'm settling into my retired life. I even met a little begael that was so rude he wacked me on the nose with his paw! I didn't even growl at him. I am a well socialized superstar pup! After our LONG walk I took a nap and we went back to see Max and Bell again! I did more zoomies. I ran so much that my back leg muscles started shaking, then I layed down in the mud! It felt so nice...

Here are some pictures of us this weekend

Belle and me looking for those darn squirrels!

Belle and me sniffing around for good stuff in the garden

Still on the hunt...

Oh I look pretty....

Max is silly

Picture of the reservoir

This is Harmony

We are walking buddies

Napping in the mud

Max was a gentleman and stood guard to make sure no one else bothered me.