Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Mom caught me with one of her flowers in my mouth yesterday! I just wanted to see what it tasted like..... She yelled and I very gently opened my mouth and left the flower there. You would never even know it was slobbery! It's still sitting in the flower holder looking perfect.

I haven't been living at home for the past few days! Max and Belle's Mommy is in the hospital (my Grandmom) All the humans have been over there and leaving us pups all alone to get into trouble! We have behaved ourselves, thank-you-very-much! Whee I finally get to go home for the night I am SOOOO tired!

Mom, Dad, and me were all cuddling in the bed on Thursday night. I'm getting to be a good bed cuddler! Then Mom's phone rang at 10pm and she started jumping out of bed changing out of her jammies, saying we need to leave now... I thought I did something wrong with the cuddling rules! I was so worried. Daddy even jumped up and started racing around. I had no idea what was going on, whithin 3 minutes I had my collar on and all 3 of us were out the door running to the car. Mom and Dad need to learn to run faster. Pathetically slow! We drove really fast to Max and Belle's house. I got shoved inside with Max and Belle, then they left me!!! They left me with the crazy dogs!

They were saying it wasn't anything I did wrong but they had to get to the hospital for emergency surgury? No idea what that means but I had to have done something wrong.... Not so sure I like this cuddling stuff on the big bed.

So over the past few days Max and Belle taught me how to greet people at their back door. Your supposed to jump up on the door and try to dig through the glass window that's right at the humans height! Makes those humans feel really special and they get that door unlocked super fast. Then we get to do zoomies all around the back yard. I really need to get one of these backyards...

I was given this thing called a marshmellow, not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. I spit it out a few times, carried it around for a bit, then decided it must be like a teddy bear! So I laid down and cuddled with my new little friend until Max got disgusted with me, came up and ate my new friend! How Rude!

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