Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Trip to the Mountians

We had so much fun on vacation in the mountains! Everyone is ready to go back today.

Tuesday: We were planning on getting the cars packed and leaving around 9am if not earlier. Gave Sunshine her first 1/2 Xanax around 7ish and by 7:20 she was a totally different pup! Running around all crazy, jumping on the furniture, getting underfoot, etc. While she was running around drugged she somehow sliced herself on Rainy's big crate. All I heard was a bang and whimpers. So I make sure she can move everything, clean her up, give her a feel better cookie, and continued to load the car while waiting for her leg to clot.

In the next 2 hours Sunshine had 3 bandages fall off (there just wasn't one staying that far up her leg!) We loaded all the pups in the car to drive to my parents house to pick up my brothers gf (we were driving her up there too) Still no clotting! There isn't really anything to stitch up, so I wasn't rushing off to the vet.

Then..... my SUV wouldn't start! Dead battery again So I get a jump, get to my parents house, Chris breaks into the garage to get tools to take my battery out, and off he goes battery shopping. Of course Wally World didn't have one for us so he proceeded to go to a bazillion other places.

Meanwhile... still no clotting! Blood all over the place. :???: Plus pee since she peed in the crate during the 15 minute drive. So I place a panicked call to the closest vet to my parents house and they say they will get us in asap. Only I don't have a battery in my car! So I hijacked my brothers [i]brand new car[/i] throw some blankets down to catch the blood, shove Sunshine in, and pray she doesn't pee in there. Thankfully she was a very good puppers and didn't pee in the new car.

Poor Sunshine was dramatized while she was at the vet w/o Rainy. They couldn't even get her to follow them to the scale. She was held down, shaved, cleaned, and glued back together. Not a happy camper. So $160 and a bottle of antibiotics later we were on our way. After our vet trip though she has never peed in the car again. Guess she figures she wants to stay in the car and it's her only safe place after that trauma.

Around 1:30pm we finally started our 5+ hour drive. Sunshine even peed at the rest stop! Then when we got to the cabin I handed both pups to my Dad so I could unload the cars and set up Sunshine's crate. Rainy went trotting off for a walk with Grandpa and Sunshine stayed as far out as she could. Grandpa wouldn't let her get away with that for long. As they walked he kept shortening the leash until she was walking right next to him.

Picture of the creek behind the cabin
The outhouse
Salt lick for deer

We had a quiet first night and burgers for dinner. Now these pups were so spoiled! They ate everything they shouldn't have. Spagetti-os, hot dogs, pizza, PB sandwiches, rice crispy treats, burgers, lunch meats, donuts, ice cream, pudding, cheese, not to mention the doggie treats. The air is so much thinner up there it makes you hungry and tired for the first few days. We were so active that Rainy lost a good chunk of weight, but Sunshine managed to gain a bunch! Everyone must have been sneaking her tons of treats.

We woke up Wednesday morning and needed to go get water and go grocery shopping.
This is where real spring water comes from
Dad filling up jugs
Leah (brothers gf) filling up jugs
This water tastes SO GOOD

Chris stayed behind as we drove 3 hours for some grocery shopping. His back spasmed so he stayed drugged up. He swears that Sunshine was roaching in her crate while we were gone, but I'm not sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Once we got back I got down to my redneck roots.
This is the contraption you get when you give a redneck a greyhound that jumps
Rainy exploring
Both exploring
I was paranoid and kept a leash on Sunshine for a bit until I was sure she wouldn't get out.

Belle barking "take my picture too!"

They both settled in quickly

On our first 2 mile walk on Wednesday. We hiked at least 2 miles every day, with a 6 mile hike on Friday.
Someone was getting tired towards the end...

3 pups all shoved in the back of Dad's explorer. (no pee! )

Then it was naptime

It was so cold at nights that Sunshine needed jammies!
Rainy just decided to steal my sleeping bag to stay warm

So on Thursday I was napping inside while Dad and Leah were wittling out front with the pups. Belle was tied out and the greys were in thier Xpen. Next thing I know I get jarred awake by Leah running into the cabin with Belle going "bear out front!" Talk about waking up quickly with no caffeine needed. I ran outside and both pups were standing rigidly in the Xpen staring at this bear 10-15 yards away. Both dogs weren't barking but they were giving steady low deadly growls. As soon as I came out the door the rolly polly black bear started waddling slowly away. Before I had come out, Dad had stood up so he didn't surprise the bear, expecting it to wander away once the human presence was known. Instead the bear started walking TOWARDS him and the dogs. That bear isn't going to survive hunting season this year. Poor dad was trying to figure out how to distract the bear while I came out and grab the dogs. :rofll: Takes a special person to voluntarily become bear bait to save the grandpuppies. No pictures since Chris kept insisting on putting our new nifty camera away. How are you supposed to catch wildlife unless you leave it out? I'm proud of my big brave puppies!

Friday we packed a lunch and planned a 6 mile hike. We saw a waterfall and then hiked down to a place on the creek called the Haystacks. Basically just rocks sticking out of the water that look like stacks of hay, but it was a nice walk.

Here we are at the waterfall

Then we started the long hike down to the haystacks
Please note how close Sunshine (in blue) is walking next to scary stranger Grandpa! This was on a Xanax free day too.

Most of the trail was a washed out loggin road, but some of it looked like it was made for mountain goats. Sunshine is now part mountain goat! Rainy... not so much. :hehe: Both pups were very careful and no one got hurt.

We finally made it

We stopped to eat lunch down there. Humans had meat/cheese sandwiches and pups each got a PB sandwhich. Dad was sitting on a ledge with his elbows on his knees eating his sandwich when out of no where Miss Sunshine sneaks in for a bite off the top! The part of the sandwich that was closest to his face. I gasped and my jaw dropped, meanwhile she sneaked in for a second bite! :rofll: :rofll: :rofll: No Xanax needed to sneak food off unsuspecting strangers...

After lunch some other hikers came through and Sunshine growled at them! Belle growls at all strangers so I'm sure Sunshine is picking up on some bad habits. :wink:

I'm surprised both pups made it the whole 6 miles. I expected we would have to carry Sunshine, and for Rainy to be at least tired. Rainy pulled the whole way while Sunshine took her time on the way back but still was peppy and bouncy with her steps.
Then we got back to the cabin
Talk about some serious sleeping!

Friday night the neighbors brought a pack of beagles up for the holiday weekend. Talk about loud! Sunshine needed more drugs for them, but she coped. She should be able to deal with the barking dogs on our Apt walks easy peasy now!

Saturday we took the pups to a deep part of the creek to do some wading.
The city clickers claimed it was too cold in there! I tried to convince them to get in and slipped.. went down like a ton of bricks. Seriously thought I broke my arm at first, but I think it's a sprain. No one was looking forward to driving me for X-rays on Sunday. (did I mention that typing this is slow going?)

On the way back to the car Rainy impressed some other people. The guy said his wife wanted a greyhound and Rainy was cute and perfect. :)

On the way back to the cabin Sunshine crashed in any available space
Poor Rainy was left with standing room only

Look at those good pups eating supper together in the ghetto/redneck Xpen!

Sunshine's glue held until Saturday night when she decided to chew it open! :naughty: She's was still on antibiotics so I wasnt; too worried and just tried to keep it somehwat clean.

On Sunday Rainy and I drove to a local bar to get take out pizza for dinner. Some drunk lady saw rainy and went "what [b]is[/b] that?" Yup she was sloshed. LOL So I got Rainy out of the car for another M&G. She has decided that drunk people and their friends are fun.

Sunshine got car sick on the trip back home, but there are lots of windy mountian roads so it's not to abnormal.

As you can see the kitties really missed us.

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