Saturday, September 19, 2009

Relaxing Saturday

We got up super early to meet Bruno at the dog park. The girls ran around, but Bruno wasn't feeling it! After running for about an hour we came home and both pups napped while I drove 3 hours round trip to go get some more pup food.  Then I zipped over to Costco and started an intense cleaning at home. It was a busy day for Mom!

Sunshine spent lots of time relaxing on the big bed and even cuddled with me and Rainy for a bit. She starting to pick up that she won't get yelled at for being on the bed. :)

Then after dinner we went for our evening potty walk. For some reason everyone wanted to stop and chat with us! Rainy charmed everyone and Sunshine coped fairly well behind all of us. She only shook a little bit then settled as long as everyone kept ignoring her. Such a good pup!

Cute Sunshine on the bed!

At 6am I crawled out of bed ans Sunshine stole my spot! See how tiny she's trying to make herself.

Rainy says I can be tiny too!

Sunshine did not want me to clean up her toys

Yup I would say she's getting comfy on the bed. Sleeping in a sunbeam.

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